In our quest to consciously reduce carbs in our diet, we have come across many delicious and healthy bun alternatives (bun-ternatives?) that have made us never want to eat another bun ever again. Not that bread isn't delicious; it's just that it doesn't even stand a chance in our book against it's delectable competitors, such as the grilled zucchini we used in this recipe. Burgers beware, the mean green bun-killing machine is here!
We made the decision a while ago to try to reduce sugar and carbs when we learned about how the body processes these when found in excess in the body, too often raising insulin levels and storing these extra glucose contents as fat. The dangers of high blood sugar content, and the symptoms that come hand-in-hand with high sugar and carb intake such as weight gain, metabolic syndrome (increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes) etc. are all unwanted effects that can often be avoided by limiting your sugar and carb intake. An easy and healthy way to do so is to replace one of the largest sources of carbs and sugar each day - buns and other sandwich breads, with healthy and delicious alternatives.
Ingredients: (serves 2-3)
Ground lamb meat (1 lb.)
1 red onion, chopped
2 cups of feta or goat cheese
2 handfuls of spinach
1 ripe avocado
1 large zucchini
Step 1: chop onions and spinach finely
Step 2: Add the chopped onions, spinache and feta or goat cheese together in a bowl with the ground beef. Mix well with your clean hands, making sure everything sticks to the meat.
Step 3: Make burger patties out of the meat. Oven instructions: Place them on a bake tray and bake on 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Alternatively, cook them on the grill (best flavor) or stove.
Step 4: Cut those zucchini bun slices! For best results, I found that a medium thickness is best. If the zucchini is cut too thickly, it can be more difficult to eat and get the patties to stay. Grill the zucchini for best results, or alternatively cook on the stove with some olive oil and season.
Also cut the avocado to fit on your sliders!
Step 5: Enjoy your delicious, nutritious sliders, guilt-free!!!!
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