Sunday, June 22, 2014

Learning To Name Our Days

"I gotta know what day it is. I gotta know what's the name of the game and what the rules are without anyone else telling me. You gotta own your own days and name 'em, each one of 'em, every one of 'em, or else the years go right by and none of them belong to you. And that ain't just for weekends, kiddo."          
    - Murray, A Thousand Clowns

I decided to start this blog because I believe it is important to share our stories, our art, and our happiness with each other. I want to celebrate the ability we have to create something beautiful with our own two hands. I want to celebrate the little beautiful things each day and share that happiness with others.

The blog isn't simply a new way to obsess over perfection, or compare and fall short of the pretty pictures of each other's lives. We want to make art. To get passionate about our health. To make time for the things that we love. To enjoy being empowered to learn and be inspired by each other along the way.

Let us blog to inspire each other.
Let us blog to share the little joys we find with others.
Let us blog to reach out to and encourage each other as human beings.
Let us blog to remind each other to appreciate and name each precious day
Let us blog to tell stories so that we may experience life on this beautiful planet, together.

Name your days because they matter. Because life ain't just for weekends.